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Kamis, 26 April 2012

How To Conquer Public Speaking Fear

By Morton C. Orman, M.D. 
Public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone. Many of us would like to avoid this problem entirely, but this is hard to do. Whether we work alone or with large numbers of people, eventually we will need to speak in public to get certain tasks accomplished. And if we want to be leaders or achieve anything meaningful in our lives, we will often need to speak to groups, large and small, to be successful.

The truth about public speaking, however, is IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE STRESSFUL! If you correctly understand the hidden causes of public speaking stress, and if you keep just a few key principles in mind, speaking in public will soon become an invigorating and satisfying experience for you.

Purpose Of This Report

The purpose of this Special Report is to help you overcome the fear of public speaking. It begins by discussing ten key principles to always keep in mind. If you approach any problem in life with the right starting principles, everything else will fall into place. On the other hand, if you start with the wrong guiding principles, you can try all you want, but there is little chance you'll improve.

This Report also reveals eleven "hidden" causes of public speaking stress. I have summarized these eleven causes, along with the ten key principles, at the end of this Report, so you can easily review them.

Key Principles

Principle #1--Speaking in Public is NOT Inherently Stressful

Most of us believe parts of life are inherently stressful. In fact, most of us have been taught to believe that life as a whole is very stressful!

To deal with any type of stress effectively, you first must understand that life itself, including public speaking, is NOT inherently stressful. Thousands of human beings have learned to speak in front of groups with little or no stress at all. Many of these people were initially terrified to speak in public. Their knees would shake, their voices would tremble, their thoughts would become jumbled . . . you know the rest. Yet they learned to eliminate their fear of public speaking completely.

You are no more or less human than they are. If they can conquer the fear of public speaking, so can you! It just takes the right guiding principles, the right understanding, and the right plan of action to make this goal a reality.

Believe me, it's not difficult. I'm a good example of someone who conquered the fear of public speaking. And while I didn't do it overnight, it wasn't difficult. All it took was approaching the problem in the right way.

Principle #2--You Don't have to be Brilliant or Perfect to Succeed

Many of us have observed public speakers and thought to ourselves "Wow, I could never be that smart, calm, witty, entertaining, polished . . . or whatever." Well, I've got news for you-- you don't have to be brilliant, witty, or perfect to succeed. That is not what public speaking is all about. I know it may look that way, but it's not. You can be average. You can be below average. You can make mistakes, get tongue-tied, or forget whole segments of your talk. You can even tell no jokes at all and still be successful.

It all depends on how you, and your audience, define "success." Believe me, your audience doesn't expect perfection. I used to think most audiences did, but I was wrong! Before I discovered this, I used to put incredible pressure on myself to deliver a perfect performance. I worked for days to prepare a talk. I stayed up nights worrying about making mistakes. I spent hours and hours rehearsing what I was going to say. And you know what? All this did was make me even more anxious! The more perfect I tried to be, the worse I did! It was all very disheartening (not to mention unnecessary).

The essence of public speaking is this: give your audience something of value. That's all there is to it. If people in your audience walk away with something (anything) of value, they will consider you a success. If they walk away feeling better about themselves, feeling better about some job they have to do, they will consider you a success. If they walk away feeling happy or entertained, they will consider their time with you worthwhile.

Even if you pass out, get tongue-tied, or say something stupid during your talk . . . they won't care! As long as they get something of value, they will be thankful.

They don't even need to feel good to consider you a success. If you criticize people, or if you stir them up to ultimately benefit them, they might still appreciate you, even though you didn't make them feel good at the time.

Principle #3--All You Need is Two or Three Main Points

You don't have to deliver mountains of facts or details to give your audience what they truly want. Many studies have shown that people remember very few of the facts or information speakers convey. While you may choose to include lots of facts and information, you only need to make two or three main points to have your talk be successful. You can even have your whole talk be about only one key point, if you wish.

When I first began speaking in public during medical school (kicking, screaming, and quivering all the way), I wasn't aware of this simple principle. I wrongly believed that my audience wanted encyclopedic knowledge from me, which of course I didn't have. So I tried to research my topic thoroughly and deliver as much worldly wisdom as possible.

Boy was that exhausting! It was also boring for my audience to suffer through.

Later, when I began giving public seminars on how to cope with stress, I spent hours each week typing a twenty-page script to read from, so I wouldn't forget any important tidbit.

As time went on, I gradually learned that this degree of complexity wasn't needed. As a result, the length of my discussion notes gradually declined. My twenty-page typed manuscript gave way to a five-page detailed outline. Then, I replaced my outline with ten or fifteen index cards. Eventually, I could conduct a full two-hour seminar with only one 3X5 index card (containing my two or three key points) to support me!

As long as I focused on these two or three key points, I was able to speak at length about them by naturally drawing upon my past experiences and knowledge.

Remember, all your audience wants from you is to walk away with one or two key points that will make a difference to them. If you structure your talks to deliver this result, you can avoid lots of complexity that isn't really needed. This also should make your job as a speaker much easier, and more fun too!

Principle #4--You also Need a Purpose That is Right for the Task

This principle is very important . . . so please listen up. One big mistake people make when they speak in public is they have the wrong purpose in mind. Often, they have no specific purpose in mind, but the one that is operating within them unconsciously causes a whole lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety.

This is a prime example of what I call a "hidden cause" of public speaking stress. When I first started speaking in public, I thought my purpose was to get everyone in the audience to approve of me. I mistakenly thought that this was what good public speakers try to do. I wasn't consciously aware of this purpose, nor how foolish it was, but it was there nonetheless.

Because of this hidden purpose, I felt I needed to be absolutely perfect and brilliant to win my audience's unanimous approval. If just one person in the audience disapproved . . . my goose was cooked! If one person left early, if anyone fell asleep, or if someone looked uninterested in what I was saying . . . I was defeated!

This was very anxiety-producing.

Later, after I became aware of this stress-producing purpose, I was able to look at it honestly and realize how foolish it was. How many public speakers get 100% approval from their audiences? The answer is zero!

The truth about public speaking is no matter how good a job you do . . . someone is going to disapprove of either you or your argument. That is just human nature. In a large group of people, there will always be a diversity of opinions, judgements, and reactions. Some will be positive, others will be negative.

There is no rhyme or reason to it. If you do a lousy job, some people will sympathize with you and feel for you, while others will critique you harshly. If you do a fantastic job, someone will resent your ability and might disapprove of you on that basis alone. Some people will leave early because of an emergency. Some will fall asleep because they were up all night taking care of a sick child. Therefore, it's foolish and unrealistic to attempt to get everyone in your audience to think well of you.

More importantly, it's the wrong type of purpose to adopt in the first place.

Remember, the essence of public speaking is to give your audience something of value. The operative word here is GIVE not GET! The purpose of public speaking is not for you to get something (approval, fame, respect, sales, clients, etc.) from your audience. It is to give something useful to your audience.

Yes, if you do this well, you'll gain notoriety, respect, sales, and new clients. But this should never be your organizing purpose going in. If you focus on giving as much as you can to your audience, you will then be aligned with the truth about public speaking. You also will avoid one of the biggest pitfalls that cause people to experience public speaking anxiety.

Giving of yourself is rarely stressful or anxiety producing. When I give a talk to a group of people, I often imagine myself handing out $1,000 bills to everyone in the audience. I try to give them at least that much value. If a few individuals in the group reject this "gift," it no longer surprises or demoralizes me. I no longer expect anything different.

Principle #5--The Best Way to Succeed is Not to consider Yourself a Public Speaker!

While it may seem paradoxical, the best way to succeed as a public speaker is not to consider yourself a public speaker at all.

Many of us have distorted, exaggerated views of what successful public speakers do. We often assume that to be successful ourselves, we must strive very hard to bring forth certain idealistic qualities we presently lack.

Consequently, we struggle desperately to emulate those personal characteristics of other speakers which we wrongly believe are responsible for their public speaking success.

In other words, we try to become someone other than ourselves! We try to be a public speaker, whatever that image means to us.

The truth about public speaking is that most successful speakers got that way by doing just the opposite! They didn't try to be like somebody else. They just gave themselves permission to be themselves in front of other people. And much to their surprise, they discovered how much fun they could have doing something most other people dread.

The secret, then, to their success is that they didn't try to become public speakers!

You and I can do the very same thing. No matter what type of person we are, or what skills and talents we possess, we can stand up in front of others and fully be ourselves.

I now love to speak in public. Why? Because it's one of the few times I give myself permission to fully be myself in the presence of others. I can be bold, compassionate, silly, informative, helpful, witty . . . anything I want. I can tell jokes, which I don't normally do, tell humorous or poignant stories, or do anything else that feels natural in the moment.

As a result, I make much better contact with my audience. I don't drone on and on about some uninteresting subject. I'm alive, I'm energized, I'm fully invested in everything I say and do. That's another gift I can give my audience. It also allows me to tell when I've gone on too long or when the people who are listening to me begin to drift away.

When you really get good at being yourself in front of others, you can even stand up in front of a group of people without any idea how you're going to get across your two or three main points. Sometimes, I enjoy throwing myself in front of a group without knowing specifically what I'm going to say. I just focus on my three main points and remember I'm there to give people something of value. Then I give myself permission to say whatever comes to mind. In many instances, I say things I've never said before! They just come out of me spontaneously while "being with my audience." Sometimes, I'm truly amazed at some of the things I end up saying or doing.

And you know what? People in the audience often come up to me afterward and say, "you were great, I wish I had the confidence to give public talks like you." That's exactly the wrong way to think. Don't try to give talks the way I do, or the way anyone else does. Just go out there, armed with a little knowledge and a few key points, and be yourself. Everything else will usually work out. It might be a little rough the first few times you try it, but after a while, you'll settle into some very successful ways of being that will be all yours and no one else's.

Principle #6--Humility and Humor Can Go a Long Way

While each person will eventually find his or her style of public speaking, certain maneuvers can be used by almost everyone. Two of these, humility and humor, can go a long way to making your talks more enjoyable and entertaining for your audience.

Humor is well understood by most of us, so little needs to be said about it here. If being humorous feels comfortable for you, or if it fits your speaking situation, go for it. It usually works, even if you don't do it perfectly.

By humility, I mean standing up in front of others and sharing some of your own human frailties, weaknesses, and mistakes. We all have weaknesses, you know, and when you stand up in front of others and show that you're not afraid to admit yours, you create a safe, intimate climate where others can acknowledge their personal shortcomings as well.

Being humble in front of others makes you more credible, more believable, and paradoxically more respected. People can connect with you more easily. You become "one of them" instead of a remote expert who's head and shoulders above them (which you really aren't). It also sets a tone of honesty and self-acceptance, which people recognize in themselves as well. Don't try to do this, however, if it's not authentic for you. True humility is easily distinguished from the pretense of acting humble. If you pretend, your audience will perceive this and lose respect for you.

Often, humor and humility can be combined very effectively. Telling humorous stories about yourself, or using your own personal failings to demonstrate some point you are trying to make, can be both entertaining and illuminating.

For example, if you get nervous when you stand up to speak in front of a group, or if you suddenly feel nervous during the middle of your talk, don't hide this fact from your audience (they can tell anyway). Be real--and humble--by acknowledging your fear openly and honestly. Ask your audience for forgiveness while you take a few moments to collect yourself.

Or, you can start your talk with a humorous story that produces the same effect. For example, I've seen speakers begin their talks by saying "What lies at the bottom of the ocean and shakes all over?" Answer: a nervous wreck! This is a very endearing strategy that also helps relieve speaking anxiety.

Principle #7--When You Speak in Public, Nothing "Bad" Can Ever Happen!

One thing that adds to the fear of public speaking is the dread people have that something awful, terrible, or publicly humiliating will happen to them.

What if I pass out from nervous exhaustion? What if I forget everything I intended to say and am left standing there, totally speechless? What if the audience hates me and begins throwing things at me?

What if they all get up and leave after the first ten minutes? What if they snipe at me with harsh questions or comments once I'm done? What if someone in the audience tries to turn the group against me?

These could be embarrassing if they occurred. Fortunately, most of them don't happen.

Even when they do, it's useful to have a strategy in mind that has them turn out perfect. Sound difficult? It's not really.

I've found that most of the "negative" things that happen when I'm speaking can be handled by keeping this one simple, but powerful, principle in mind: everything that happens can be used to my advantage.

If people get up and start to head for the door, I can stop what I'm doing and ask for feedback. Was there something about my topic, my style, or my manner of presentation that was offensive to them? Were they simply in the wrong room at the start and didn't know it? Did someone misinform them about what my talk was going to cover?

Regardless of what they tell me, just stopping to deal with this situation, honestly and humbly, will often score points with my remaining audience. It also will give me the opportunity to learn how I am affecting people, so I can make any corrections that might be needed.

Even if everyone walked out and refused to give me a reason, I could ultimately find ways to benefit from this experience. At the very least, I could use it as the opening for my next presentation. "You know, I gave this same talk the other day and everyone in the audience walked out in the first ten minutes. That's my current record, so I guess we'll just have to see what happens today."

The same principle holds for dealing with hecklers or people who ask harsh or confrontational questions. If you assume that nothing truly bad can ever happen when you're speaking in public, you'll be amazed how well you can relate to such events and how often you can indeed use them to your advantage.

And once you've successfully used this principle many times, your anxiety about public speaking will almost completely go away. You'll know it will be virtually impossible for anything "bad" to happen that you won't be able to handle. That is a very comforting thought.

TIP: If you want a good role model for developing this skill, rent a video tape of Johnny Carson's opening monologues. He was a master at using this principle. No matter how his audience responded, Carson was always ready to use their response, positive or negative, to make another joke. He simply couldn't lose, even if the material his writers provided him was rotten.

Principle #8--You Don't Have to Control the Behavior of Your Audience

To succeed as a public speaker, you don't have to control the behavior of your audience. There are certain things you do need to control--your own thoughts, your preparation, arrangements for audio-visual aids, how the room is laid out--but one thing you don't have to control is your audience. They will do whatever they do, and whatever they do will usually be "perfect."

If people are fidgety or restless, don't try to control this. If someone is talking to a neighbor, or reading the newspaper, or falling asleep, leave them alone. If people look like they aren't paying attention, refrain from chastising them. Unless someone is being intentionally disruptive, there is very little you need to control.

Thinking you need to change or control other people is a hidden cause of stress in many areas of life. This is just as true for relating to a group as it is for relating to your friends, spouse, children, or other acquaintances.

Principle #9--In General, the More You Prepare, the Worse You Will Do

Preparation is useful for any public appearance. How you prepare, however, and how much time you need to spend are other matters entirely.

Many of the errors in thinking we've discussed so far often creep in to people's strategies for preparation. If you have the wrong focus (i.e., purpose), if you try to do too much, if you want everyone to applaud your every word, if you fear something bad might happen or you might make a minor mistake, then you can easily drive yourself crazy trying to overprepare your talk. In these instances, the more effort you put in, the worse you probably will do.

On the other hand, if you know your subject well, or if you've spoken about it many times before, you may only need a few minutes to prepare sufficiently. All you might need is to remind yourself of the two or three key points you want to make, along with several good examples and supporting facts and . . . BOOM you're ready to go.

Overpreparation usually means you either don't know your subject well or you do, but you don't feel confident about your ability to speak about it in public. In the former instance, you'll need to do some extra research. In the latter, you'll need to develop trust in your natural ability to speak successfully. The only way to do this is to put yourself in the spotlight, over and over again.

Go out and solicit opportunities to speak on your subject in public. Offer to speak free or for a small fee, enough to cover your expenses. If you have something of value to tell others, keep getting in front of people and deliver it. In no time at all, you'll gain confidence. You'll also begin to respect the natural public speaker/communicator within you.

Principle #10--Your Audience Truly Wants You to Succeed

The last principle to remember is that your audience truly wants you to succeed. Most of them are scared to death of public speaking, just like you. They know the risk of embarrassment, humiliation, and failure you take every time you present yourself in public. They feel for you. They will admire your courage. And they will be on your side, no matter what happens.

This means that most audiences are truly forgiving. While a slip of the tongue or a mistake of any kind might seem a big deal to you, it's not very meaningful or important to your audience. Their judgements and appraisals will usually be much more lenient than yours. It's useful to remind yourself of this point, especially when you think you've performed poorly.

Review Of 11 Hidden Causes Of Public Speaking Stress

1.      Thinking that public speaking is inherently stressful (it's not).
2.      Thinking you need to be brilliant or perfect to succeed (you don't).
3.      Trying to impart too much information or cover too many points in a short presentation.
4.      Having the wrong purpose in mind (to get rather than to give/contribute).
5.      Trying to please everyone (this is unrealistic).
6.      Trying to emulate other speakers (very difficult) rather than simply being yourself (very easy).
7.      Failing to be personally revealing and humble.
8.      Being fearful of potential negative outcomes (they almost never occur and even when they do, you can use them to your advantage).
9.      Trying to control the wrong things (e.g., the behavior of your audience).
10.  Spending too much time overpreparing (instead of developing confidence and trust in your natural ability to succeed).
11.  Thinking your audience will be as critical of your performance as you might be.

Review of 10 Key Principles To Always Keep In Mind

#1---Speaking in Public is NOT Inherently Stressful
#2---You Don't Have to be Brilliant or Perfect to Succeed
#3---All You Need is Two or Three Main Points
#4---You also Need a Purpose That is Right for the Task
#5---The Best Way to Succeed is NOT to Consider Yourself a Public Speaker!
#6---Humility and Humor Can Go a Long Way
#7---When You Speak in Public, Nothing "Bad" Can Ever Happen!
#8---You Don't Have to Control the Behavior of Your Audience
#9---In General, the More You Prepare, the Worse You Will Do
#10--Your Audience Truly Wants You to Succeed

That's all there is to it. Just look for these eleven hidden causes and keep the ten corresponding principles in mind.

Of course, you will need to practice. It's extremely easy to forget the ten key principles. No matter how often you review them, you'll instinctively fall back into your old stress-producing patterns.

What is the best way to practice? Go out and speak in public. Join a local Toastmasters Group if you like. Take a community college course in public speaking. Better yet, offer to teach a course about something you know very well.

Just keep throwing yourself into the arena, and in no time at all, your skill, confidence, and natural ability will come to the surface.

And remember, if you get up in front of a group and find this stressful, it only means you forgot the truth about what public speaking is all about. Go back and review this Report. Find out what you did wrong or what you didn't remember. Then go back out and speak again until you get it right. It may take time, but the long-term rewards will be impressive.

Have a positive day!

Mohamad “BEAR” Yunus
"SUMBER DAYA yang dibutuhkan seseorang untuk membuat sebuah perubahan sudah ada dalam diri mereka"

77 Brain Hacks to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better

Source: Online Education Database

If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven't gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge.
New knowledge is the backbone of society's progress. Great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and others' quests for knowledge have led society to many of the marvels we enjoy today.
Your quest for knowledge doesn't have to be as Earth-changing as Einstein's, but it can be an important part of your life, leading to a new job, better pay, a new hobby, or simply knowledge for knowledge's sake — whatever is important to you as an end goal.
Life-changing knowledge does typically require advanced learning techniques. In fact, it's been said that the average adult only uses 10% of his/her brain. Imagine what we may be capable of with more advanced learning techniques.
Here are 77 tips related to knowledge and learning to help you on your quest. A few are specifically for students in traditional learning institutions; the rest for self-starters, or those learning on their own. Happy learning.

1. Shake a leg.
Lack of blood flow is a common reason for lack of concentration. If you've been sitting in one place for awhile, bounce one of your legs for a minute or two. It gets your blood flowing and sharpens both concentration and recall.
2. Food for thought:
Eat breakfast. A lot of people skip breakfast, but creativity is often optimal in the early morning and it helps to have some protein in you to feed your brain. A lack of protein can actually cause headaches.
3. Food for thought, part 2: Eat a light lunch.
Heavy lunches have a tendency to make people drowsy. While you could turn this to your advantage by taking a "thinking nap" (see #23), most people haven't learned how.
4. Cognitive enhancers:
Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba is a natural supplement that has been used in China and other countries for centuries and has been reputed to reverse memory loss in rats. It's also suggested by some health practitioners as a nootrope and thus a memory enhancer.
5. Reduce stress + depresssion.
Stress and depression may reduce the ability to recall information and thus inhibit learning. Sometimes, all you need to reduce depression is more white light and fewer refined foods.

6. Sleep on it.
 Dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote about in his book Psycho-Cybernetics about a man who was was paid good money to come up with ideas. He would lock his office door, close the blinds, turn off the lights. He'd focus on the problem at hand, then take a short nap on a couch. When he awoke, he usually had the problem solved.
7. Take a break.
Change phyical or mental perspective to lighten the invisible stress that can sometimes occur when you sit in one place too long, focused on learning. Taking a 5-15 minute break every hour during study sessions is more beneficial than non-stop study. It gives your mind time to relax and absorb information. If you want to get really serious with breaks, try a 20 minute ultradian break as part of every 90 minute cycle. This includes a nap break, which is for a different purpose than #23.
8. Take a hike.
 Changing your perspective often relieves tension, thus freeing your creative mind. Taking a short walk around the neighborhood may help.
Perspective and Focus

9. Change your focus.
Sometimes there simply isn't enough time to take a long break. If so, change subject focus. Alternate between technical and non-technical subjects.

10. Change your focus, part 2.
There are three primary ways to learn: visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. If one isn't working for you, try another.
11. Do walking meditation.
 If you're taking a hike (#25), go one step further and learn walking meditation as a way to tap into your inner resources and your strengthen your ability to focus. Just make sure you're not walking inadvertently into traffic.
12. Focus and immerse yourself.
Focus on whatever you're studying. Don't try to watch TV at the same time or worry yourself about other things. Anxiety does not make for absorption of information and ideas.
13. Turn out the lights.
 This is a way to focus, if you are not into meditating. Sit in the dark, block out extraneous influences. This is ideal for learning kinesthetically, such as guitar chord changes.
14. Take a bath or shower.
 Both activities loosen you up, making your mind more receptive to recognizing brilliant ideas.
Recall Techniques

15. Listen to music.
Researchers have long shown that certain types of music are a great "key" for recalling memories. Information learned while listening to a particular song or collection can often be recalled simply by "playing" the songs mentally.
16. Speedread.
Some people believe that speedreading causes you to miss vital information. The fact remains that efficient speedreading results in filtering out irrelevant information. If necessary, you can always read and re-read at slower speeds. Slow reading actually hinders the ability to absorb general ideas. (Although technical subjects often requirer slower reading.) If you're reading online, you can try the free Spreeder Web-based application.
17. Use acronyms and other mnemonic devices.
Mnemonics are essentially tricks for remembering information. Some tricks are so effective that proper application will let you recall loads of mundane information years later.
Visual Aids

18. Every picture tells a story.
 Draw or sketch whatever it is you are trying to achieve. Having a concrete goal in mind helps you progress towards that goal.
19. Brainmap it.
 Need to plan something? Brain maps, or mind maps, offer a compact way to get both an overview of a project as well as easily add details. With mind maps, you can see the relationships between disparate ideas and they can also act as a receptacle for a brainstorming session.
20. Learn symbolism and semiotics.
Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols. Having an understanding of the symbols of a particular discipline aids in learning, and also allows you to record information more efficiently.
21. Use information design.
 When you record information that has an inherent structure, applying information design helps convey that information more clearly. A great resource is Information Aesthetics, which gives examples of information design and links to their sources.
22. Use visual learning techniques.
Try gliffy for structured diagrams. Also see for an explanation of webs, idea maps, concept maps, and plots.
23. Map your task flow.
 Learning often requires gaining knowledge in a specific sequence. Organizing your thoughts on what needs to be done is a powerful way to prepare yourself to complete tasks or learn new topics.
Verbal and Auditory Techniques

24. Stimulate ideas.
Play rhyming games, utter nonsense words. These loosen you up, making you more receptive to learning.
25. Brainstorm.
This is a time-honored technique that combines verbal activity, writing, and collaboration. (One person can brainstorm, but it's more effective in a group.) It's fruitful if you remember some simple rules: Firstly, don't shut anyone's idea out. Secondly, don't "edit" in progress; just record all ideas first, then dissect them later. Participating in brainstorming helps assess what you already know about something, and what you didn't know.
26. Learn by osmosis.
 Got an iPod? Record a few of your own podcasts, upload them to your iPod and sleep on it. Literally. Put it under your pillow and playback language lessons or whatever.
27. Cognitive enhancers:
binaural beats. Binaural beats involve playing two close frequencies simultaneously to produce alpha, beta, delta, and theta waves, all of which produce either sleeping, restfulness, relaxation, meditativeness, alertness, or concentration. Binaural beats are used in conjunction with other excercises for a type of super-learning.
28. Laugh. Laughing relaxes the body.
A relaxed body is more receptive to new ideas.
Kinesthetic Techniques

29. Write, don't type.
While typing your notes into the computer is great for posterity, writing by hand stimulates ideas. The simple act of holding and using a pen or pencil massages acupuncture points in the hand, which in turn stimulates ideas.
30. Carry a quality notebook at all times.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge dreamed the words of the poem "In Xanadu (did Kubla Khan)...". Upon awakening, he wrote down what he could recall, but was distracted by a visitor and promptly forgot the rest of the poem. Forever. If you've been doing "walking meditation" or any kind of meditation or productive napping, ideas may suddenly come to you. Record them immediately.
31. Keep a journal.
This isn't exactly the same as a notebook. Journaling has to do with tracking experiences over time. If you add in visual details, charts, brainmaps, etc., you have a much more creative way to keep tabs on what you are learning.
32. Organize.
Use sticky colored tabs to divide up a notebook or journal. They are a great way to partition ideas for easy referral.
33. Use post-it notes.
Post-it notes provide a helpful way to record your thoughts about passages in books without defacing them with ink or pencil marks.
Self-Motivation Techniques

34. Give yourself credit.
 Ideas are actually a dime a dozen. If you learn to focus your mind on what results you want to achieve, you'll recognize the good ideas. Your mind will become a filter for them, which will motivate you to learn more.
35. Motivate yourself.
Why do you want to learn something? What do want to achieve through learning? If you don't know why you want to learn, then distractions will be far more enticing.
36. Set a goal. W. Clement Stone once said "Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve." It's an amazing phenomenon in goal achievement. Prepare yourself by whatever means necessary, and hurdles will seem surmountable. Anyone who has experienced this phenomenon understands its validity. [Related Article: How to Write Your Goals]
37. Think positive.
There's no point in setting learning goals for yourself if you don't have any faith in your ability to learn.
38. Organize, part 2.
Learning is only one facet of the average adult's daily life. You need to organize your time and tasks else you might find it difficult to fit time in for learning. Try Neptune for a browser-based application for "getting things done."
39. Every skill is learned.
With the exception of bodily functions, every skill in life is learned. Generally speaking, if one person can learn something, so can you. It may take you more effort, but if you've set a believable goal, it's likely an achievable goal.
40. Prepare yourself for learning.
Thinking positive isn't sufficient for successfully achieving goals. This is especially important if you are an adult, as you'll probably have many distractions surrounding your daily life. Implement ways to reduce distractions, at least for a few hours at a time, else learning will become a frustrating experience.
41. Prepare yourself, part 2.
Human nature is such that not everyone in your life will be a well-wisher in your self-improvement and learning plans. They may intentionally or subconsciously distract you from your goal. If you have classes to attend after work, make sure that work colleagues know this, that you are unable to work late. Diplomacy works best if you think your boss is intentionally giving you work on the days he/she knows you have to leave. Reschedule lectures to a later time slot if possible/ necessary.
42. Constrain yourself.
Most people need structure in their lives. Freedom is sometimes a scary thing. It's like chaos. But even chaos has order within. By constraining yourself — say giving yourself deadlines, limiting your time on an idea in some manner, or limiting the tools you are working with — you can often accomplish more in less time.
Supplemental Techniques

43. Read as much as you can.
 How much more obvious can it get? Use Spreeder (#33) if you have to. Get a breadth of topics as well as depth.
44. Cross-pollinate your interests. Neurons that connect to existing neurons give you new perspectives and abilities to use additional knowledge in new ways.
45. Learn another language.
New perspectives give you the ability to cross-pollinate cultural concepts and come up with new ideas. As well, sometimes reading a book in its original language will provide you with insights lost in translation.
46. Learn how to learn.
Management Help has a resource page, as does SIAST (Virtual Campus), which links to articles about learning methods. They are geared towards online learning, but no doubt you gain something from them for any type of learning. If you are serious about optimum learning, read Headrush's Crash course in learning theory.
47. Learn what you know and what you don't.
 Many people might say, "I'm dumb," or "I don't know anything about that." The fact is, many people are wholly unaware of what they already know about a topic. If you want to learn about a topic, you need to determine what you already know, figure out what you don't know, and then learn the latter.

48. Multi-task through background processes.
 Effective multi-tasking allows you to bootstrap limited time to accomplish several tasks. Learning can be bootstrapped through multi-tasking, too. By effective multitasking, I don't mean doing two or more things at exactly the same time. It's not possible. However, you can achieve the semblance of effective multitasking with the right approach, and by prepping your mind for it. For example, a successful freelance writer learns to manage several articles at the same time. Research the first essay, and then let the background processes of your mind takeover. Move on consciously to the second essay. While researching the second essay, the first one will often "write itself." Be prepared to record it when it "appears" to you.
49. Think holistically.
Holistic thinking might be the single most "advanced" learning technique that would help students. But it's a mindset rather than a single technique.
50. Use the right type of repetition.
Complex concepts often require revisting in order to be fully absorbed. Sometimes, for some people, it may actually take months or years. Repetition of concepts and theory with various concrete examples improves absorption and speeds up learning.
51. Apply the Quantum Learning (QL) model.
The Quantum Learning model is being applied in some US schools and goes beyond typical education methods to engage students.
52. Get necessary tools.
There are obviously all kinds of tools for learning. If you are learning online like a growing number of people these days, then consider your online tools. One of the best tools for online research is the Firefox web browser, which has loads of extensions (add-ons) with all manner of useful features. One is Googlepedia, which simultaneously displays Google search engine listings, when you search for a term, with related entries from Wikipedia.
53. Get necessary tools, part 2.
This is a very niche tip, but if you want to learn fast-track methods for building software, read Getting Real from 37 Signals. The Web page version is free. The techniques in the book have been used to create Basecamp, Campfire, and Backpack web applications in a short time frame. Each of these applications support collaboration and organization.
54. Learn critical thinking.
As Keegan-Michael Key's character on MadTV might say, critical thinking takes analysis to "a whole notha level". Read Wikipedia's discourse on critical thinking as a starting point. It involves good analytical skills to aid the ability to learn selectively.
55. Learn complex problem solving.
For most people, life is a series of problems to be solved. Learning is part of the process. If you have a complex problem, you need to learn the art of complex problem solving.
For Teachers, Tutors, and Parents

56. Be engaging.
Lectures are one-sided and often counter-productive. Information merely heard or witnessed (from a chalkboard for instance) is often forgotten. Teaching is not simply talking. Talking isn't enough. Ask students questions, present scenarios, engage them.
57. Use information pyramids.
Learning happens in layers. Build base knowledge upon which you can add advanced concepts.
58. Use video games.
Video games get a bad rap because of certain violent games. But video games in general can often be an effective aid to learning.
59. Role play.
Younger people often learn better by being part of a learning experience. For example, history is easier to absorb through reenactments.
60. Apply the 80/20 rule.
 This rule is often interpreted in dfferent ways. In this case, the 80/20 rule means that some concepts, say about 20% of a curriculum, require more effort and time, say about 80%, than others. So be prepared to expand on complex topics.
61. Tell stories.
Venus Flytrap, a character from the sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati, once taught a student gang member about atoms, electrons, and protons by saying that an atom was one big neighborhood, and the protons and neutrons had their own smaller neighborhoods and never mixed. Just like rival gangs. The story worked, and understanding sparked in the students eyes.
62. Go beyond the public school curriculum.
The public school system is woefully lacking in teaching advanced learning and brainstorming methods. It's not that the methods cannot be taught; they just aren't. To learn more, you have to pay a premium in additional time and effort, and sometimes money for commercially available learning tools. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, but what is taught in schools needs to be expanded. This article's author has proven that a nine-year old can learn (some) university level math, if the learning is approached correctly.
63. Use applied learning.
If a high school student were having trouble in math, say with fractions, one example of applied learning might be photography, lenses, f-stops, etc. Another example is cooking and measurement of ingredients. Tailor the applied learning to the interest of the student.
For Students and Self-Studiers

64. Be engaged. Surprise.
Sometimes students are bored because they know more than is being taught, maybe even more than a teacher. (Hopefully teachers will assess what each student already knows.) Students should discuss with a teacher if they feel that the material being covered is not challenging. Also consider asking for additional materials.
65. Teach yourself.
Teachers cannot always change their curricula. If you're not being challenged, challenge yourself. Some countries still apply country-wide exams for all students. If your lecturer didn't cover a topic, you should learn it on your own. Don't wait for someone to teach you. Lectures are most effective when you've pre-introduced yourself to concepts.
66. Collaborate.
If studying by yourself isn't working, maybe a study group will help.
67. Do unto others: teach something.
The best way to learn something better is to teach it to someone else. It forces you to learn, if you are motivated enough to share your knowledge.
68. Write about it.
An effective way to "teach" something is to create an FAQ or a wiki containing everything you know about a topic. Or blog about the topic. Doing so helps you to realize what you know and more importantly what you don't. You don't even have to spend money if you grab a freebie account with Typepad, Wordpress, or Blogger.
69. Learn by experience.
 Pretty obvious, right? It means put in the necessary time. An expert is often defined as someone who has put in 10,000 hours into some experience or endeavor. That's approximately 5 years of 40 hours per week, every week. Are you an expert without realizing it? If you're not, do you have the dedication to be an expert?
70. Quiz yourself.
Testing what you've learned will reinforce the information. Flash cards are one of the best ways, and are not just for kids.
71. Learn the right things first.
Learn the basics. Case in point: a frustrating way to learn a new language is to learn grammar and spelling and sentence constructs first. This is not the way a baby learns a language, and there's no reason why an adult or young adult has to start differently, despite "expert" opinion. Try for yourself and see the difference.
72. Plan your learning.
If you have a long-term plan to learn something, then to quote Led Zeppelin, "There are two paths you can go by." You can take a haphazard approach to learning, or you can put in a bit of planning and find an optimum path. Plan your time and balance your learning and living.
Parting Advice

73. Persist. Don't give up learning in the face of intimdating tasks. Anything one human being can learn, most others can as well. Wasn't it Einstein that said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration"? Thomas Edison said it, too.
74. Defy the experts.
Dyslexia, in a nutshell, is the affliction of mentally jumbling letters and digits, causing difficulties in reading, writing and thus learning. Sometimes spoken words or numbers get mixed up as well. In the past, "experts" declared dyslexic children stupid. Later, they said they were incapable of learning. This author has interacted with and taught dyslexic teens. It's possible. Helen Keller had no experience of sight, sound, or speech, and yet she learned. Conclusion: There is more than one way to learn; never believe you cannot.
75. Challenge yourself.
 People are often more intelligent than they realize. In a world that compartmentalizes and categorizes everything, not everyone is sure where they fit in. And genius can be found in many walks of life. If you honestly suspect that there's more to you than has been "allowed" to be let out, try an IQ test such as the one offered by MENSA. It's unlike the standardized IQ tests given in many schools. You know the kind — the ones which traumatize many young students into thinking they are stupid, simply because the tests don't really assess all student's knowledge and learning ability. And the ability to learn is far, far more important than what you already know.
76. Party before an exam.
Well, don't go that far. The key is to relax. The worse thing to do is cram the night before an exam. If you don't already know a subject by then, cramming isn't going to help. If you have studied, simply review the topic, then go do something pleasant (no more studying). Doing so tells your brain that you are prepared and that you will be able to recall anything that you have already learned. On the other hand, if you didn't spend the semester learning the ideas you need, you might as well go party anyways because cramming at the last minute isn't going to help much at that point.
77. Don't worry; learn happy.
 Have a real passion for learning and want to share that? Join a group such as the Joyful Jubilant Learning community [via LifeHack].

Have a positive day!
Mohamad “BEAR” Yunus
"You create your own reality"

Renungan Hari Ini

Bila kita merasa KECIL dan GAGAL mencari KEBAHAGIAAN,Itu bukanlah karena kita TIDAK MENEMUKANNYA,TETAPI karena kita TIDAK MAU berhenti sejenak....,
Untuk MENIKMATI dan MENSYUKURI apa yang sesungguhnya telah kita MILIKI...

Jika kita sehat, bisa bernafas, bisa berjalan, bisa melihat mendengar, bisa makan & minum,
 memiliki keluarga, kendaraan, rumah, bisa wisata, belanja (Shopping), nonton,memiliki pekerjaan,
 & bisa menjalankan ibadah kapanpun dimanapun...maka sebenarnya
TIDAK ada hak sedikitpun bagi kita untuk TIDAK merasa TIDAK BAHAGIA......
tidak ada hak sedikitpun. :)
Sadarlah wahai Saudaraku
Diri Kita telah diberi NIKMAT KEBAHAGIAN yang banyak
kita selalu mengeluh
belum punya INI ITU
belum bisa INI ITU 
belum pernah makan INI ITU
belum pernah merasakan INI ITU

coba renungkan...
BAHAGIA berasal dari kata BAGI
ketika kita BERBAGI ( makanan misalnya) orang yang kita bagi akan senang dan tertawa HAHAHA
Tambahkan HA pada kata BAGI
BA HA GI yakan):


Rabu, 25 April 2012

HOT>Nyata:ternyata Sri Sultan HB IX terkena tilang di Pekalongan

Sumber dari Kaskus
Sumbernya Kaskus

Kota batik Pekalongan di pertengahan tahun 1960an menyambut fajar dengan kabut tipis , pukul setengah enam pagi polisi muda Royadin yang belum genap seminggu mendapatkan kenaikan pangkat dari agen polisi kepala menjadi brigadir polisi sudah berdiri di tepi posnya di kawasan Soko dengan gagahnya. Kudapan nasi megono khas pekalongan pagi itu menyegarkan tubuhnya yang gagah berbalut seragam polisi dengan pangkat brigadir.

Becak dan delman amat dominan masa itu , persimpangan Soko mulai riuh dengan bunyi kalung kuda yang terangguk angguk mengikuti ayunan cemeti sang kusir. Dari arah selatan dan membelok ke barat sebuah sedan hitam ber plat AB melaju dari arah yang berlawanan dengan arus becak dan delman . Brigadir Royadin memandang dari kejauhan ,sementara sedan hitam itu melaju perlahan menuju kearahnya. Dengan sigap ia menyeberang jalan ditepi posnya, ayunan tangan kedepan dengan posisi membentuk sudut Sembilan puluh derajat menghentikan laju sedan hitam itu. Sebuah sedan tahun lima puluhan yang amat jarang berlalu di jalanan pekalongan berhenti dihadapannya.
Saat mobil menepi , brigadir Royadin menghampiri sisi kanan pengemudi dan memberi hormat.

“Selamat pagi!” Brigadir Royadin memberi hormat dengan sikap sempurna . “Boleh ditunjukan rebuwes!” Ia meminta surat surat mobil berikut surat ijin mengemudi kepada lelaki di balik kaca , jaman itu surat mobil masih diistilahkan rebuwes.

Perlahan , pria berusia sekitar setengah abad menurunkan kaca samping secara penuh.

“Ada apa pak polisi ?” Tanya pria itu. Brigadir Royadin tersentak kaget , ia mengenali siapa pria itu . “Ya Allah…sinuwun!” kejutnya dalam hati . Gugup bukan main namun itu hanya berlangsung sedetik , naluri polisinya tetap menopang tubuh gagahnya dalam sikap sempurna.

“Bapak melangar verbodden , tidak boleh lewat sini, ini satu arah !” Ia memandangi pria itu yang tak lain adalah Sultan Jogja, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Dirinya tak habis pikir , orang sebesar sultan HB IX mengendarai sendiri mobilnya dari jogja ke pekalongan yang jauhnya cukup lumayan., entah tujuannya kemana.

Setelah melihat rebuwes , Brigadir Royadin mempersilahkan Sri Sultan untuk mengecek tanda larangan verboden di ujung jalan , namun sultan menolak.

“ Ya ..saya salah , kamu benar , saya pasti salah !” Sinuwun turun dari sedannya dan menghampiri Brigadir Royadin yang tetap menggengam rebuwes tanpa tahu harus berbuat apa.

“ Jadi…?” Sinuwun bertanya , pertanyaan yang singkat namun sulit bagi brigadir Royadin menjawabnya .

“Em..emm ..bapak saya tilang , mohon maaf!” Brigadir Royadin heran , sinuwun tak kunjung menggunakan kekuasaannya untuk paling tidak bernegosiasi dengannya, jangankan begitu , mengenalkan dirinya sebagai pejabat Negara dan Rajapun beliau tidak melakukannya.

“Baik..brigadir , kamu buatkan surat itu , nanti saya ikuti aturannya, saya harus segera ke Tegal !” Sinuwun meminta brigadir Royadin untuk segera membuatkan surat tilang. Dengan tangan bergetar ia membuatkan surat tilang, ingin rasanya tidak memberikan surat itu tapi tidak tahu kenapa ia sebagai polisi tidak boleh memandang beda pelanggar kesalahan yang terjadi di depan hidungnya. Yang paling membuatnya sedikit tenang adalah tidak sepatah katapun yang keluar dari mulut sinuwun menyebutkan bahwa dia berhak mendapatkan dispensasi. “Sungguh orang yang besar…!” begitu gumamnya.

Surat tilang berpindah tangan , rebuwes saat itu dalam genggamannya dan ia menghormat pada sinuwun sebelum sinuwun kembali memacu Sedan hitamnya menuju ke arah barat, Tegal.

Beberapa menit sinuwun melintas di depan stasiun pekalongan, brigadir royadin menyadari kebodohannya, kekakuannya dan segala macam pikiran berkecamuk. Ingin ia memacu sepeda ontelnya mengejar Sedan hitam itu tapi manalah mungkin. Nasi sudah menjadi bubur dan ketetapan hatinya untuk tetap menegakkan peraturan pada siapapun berhasil menghibur dirinya.

Saat aplusan di sore hari dan kembali ke markas , Ia menyerahkan rebuwes kepada petugas jaga untuk diproses hukum lebih lanjut.,Ialu kembali kerumah dengan sepeda abu abu tuanya.

Saat apel pagi esok harinya , suara amarah meledak di markas polisi pekalongan , nama Royadin diteriakkan berkali kali dari ruang komisaris. Beberapa polisi tergopoh gopoh menghampirinya dan memintanya menghadap komisaris polisi selaku kepala kantor.

“Royadin , apa yang kamu lakukan’enake dewe ..ora mikir ..iki sing mbok tangkep sopo heh..ngawur..ngawur!” Komisaris mengumpat dalam bahasa jawa , ditangannya rebuwes milik sinuwun pindah dari telapak kanan kekiri bolak balik.

“ Sekarang aku mau Tanya , kenapa kamu tidak lepas saja sinuwun..biarkan lewat, wong kamu tahu siapa dia , ngerti nggak kowe sopo sinuwun?” Komisaris tak menurunkan nada bicaranya.

“ Siap pak , beliau tidak bilang beliau itu siapa , beliau ngaku salah ..dan memang salah!” brigadir Royadin menjawab tegas.

“Ya tapi kan kamu mestinya ngerti siapa dia ..ojo kaku kaku , kok malah mbok tilang..ngawur ..jan ngawur….Ini bisa panjang , bisa sampai Menteri !” Derai komisaris. Saat itu kepala polisi dijabat oleh Menteri Kepolisian Negara.

Brigadir Royadin pasrah , apapun yang dia lakukan dasarnya adalah posisinya sebagai polisi , yang disumpah untuk menegakkan peraturan pada siapa saja ..memang Koppeg(keras kepala) kedengarannya.

Kepala polisi pekalongan berusaha mencari tahu dimana gerangan sinuwun , masih di Tegalkah atau tempat lain? Tujuannya cuma satu , mengembalikan rebuwes. Namun tidak seperti saat ini yang demikian mudahnya bertukar kabar , keberadaa sinuwun tak kunjung diketahui hingga beberapa hari. Pada akhirnya kepala polisi pekalongan mengutus beberapa petugas ke Jogja untuk mengembalikan rebuwes tanpa mengikut sertakan Brigadir Royadin.

Usai mendapat marah , Brigadir Royadin bertugas seperti biasa , satu minggu setelah kejadian penilangan, banyak teman temannya yang mentertawakan bahkan ada isu yang ia dengar dirinya akan dimutasi ke pinggiran kota pekalongan selatan.

Suatu sore , saat belum habis jam dinas , seorang kurir datang menghampirinya di persimpangan soko yang memintanya untuk segera kembali ke kantor. Sesampai di kantor beberapa polisi menggiringnya keruang komisaris yang saat itu tengah menggengam selembar surat.

“Royadin….minggu depan kamu diminta pindah !” lemas tubuh Royadin , ia membayangkan harus menempuh jalan menanjak dipinggir kota pekalongan setiap hari , karena mutasi ini, karena ketegasan sikapnya dipersimpangan soko .

“ Siap pak !” Royadin menjawab datar.

“Bersama keluargamu semua, dibawa!” pernyataan komisaris mengejutkan , untuk apa bawa keluarga ketepi pekalongan selatan , ini hanya merepotkan diri saja.

“Saya sanggup setiap hari pakai sepeda pak komandan, semua keluarga biar tetap di rumah sekarang !” Brigadir Royadin menawar.

“Ngawur…Kamu sanggup bersepeda pekalongan – Jogja ? pindahmu itu ke jogja bukan disini, sinuwun yang minta kamu pindah tugas kesana , pangkatmu mau dinaikkan satu tingkat.!” Cetus pak komisaris , disodorkan surat yang ada digengamannya kepada brigadir Royadin.

Surat itu berisi permintaan bertuliskan tangan yang intinya : “ Mohon dipindahkan brigadir Royadin ke Jogja , sebagai polisi yang tegas saya selaku pemimpin Jogjakarta akan menempatkannya di wilayah Jogjakarta bersama keluarganya dengan meminta kepolisian untuk menaikkan pangkatnya satu tingkat.” Ditanda tangani sri sultan hamengkubuwono IX.

Tangan brigadir Royadin bergetar , namun ia segera menemukan jawabannya. Ia tak sangup menolak permntaan orang besar seperti sultan HB IX namun dia juga harus mempertimbangkan seluruh hidupnya di kota pekalongan .Ia cinta pekalongan dan tak ingin meninggalkan kota ini .

“ Mohon bapak sampaikan ke sinuwun , saya berterima kasih, saya tidak bisa pindah dari pekalongan , ini tanah kelahiran saya , rumah saya . Sampaikan hormat saya pada beliau ,dan sampaikan permintaan maaf saya pada beliau atas kelancangan saya !” Brigadir Royadin bergetar , ia tak memahami betapa luasnya hati sinuwun Sultan HB IX , Amarah hanya diperolehnya dari sang komisaris namun penghargaan tinggi justru datang dari orang yang menjadi korban ketegasannya.

July 2010 , saat saya mendengar kepergian purnawirawan polisi Royadin kepada sang khalik dari keluarga dipekalongan , saya tak memilki waktu cukup untuk menghantar kepergiannya . Suaranya yang lirih saat mendekati akhir hayat masih saja mengiangkan cerita kebanggaannya ini pada semua sanak family yang berkumpul. Ia pergi meninggalkan kesederhanaan perilaku dan prinsip kepada keturunannya , sekaligus kepada saya selaku keponakannya. Idealismenya di kepolisian Pekalongan tetap ia jaga sampai akhir masa baktinya , pangkatnya tak banyak bergeser terbelenggu idealisme yang selalu dipegangnya erat erat yaitu ketegasan dan kejujuran .

Hormat amat sangat kepadamu Pak Royadin, Sang Polisi sejati . Dan juga kepada pahlawan bangsa Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX yang keluasan hatinya melebihi wilayah negeri ini dari sabang sampai merauke.

Depok June 252 2011
Aryadi Noersaid

Ini lima buah pelajaran berharga, yang sangat bagus, untuk kita renungkan bersama

Ini lima buah pelajaran berharga, yang sangat bagus, untuk kita renungkan bersama :

1. Perhatikan Orang di Sekitar KitaPada bulan ke-2 diawal kuliah saya, seorang profesor memberikan quiz mendadak pada kami. Karena kebetulan cukup menyimak semua kuliah-kuliahnya,saya cukup cepat menyelesaikan soal-soal quiz, sampai pada soal yang terakhir. Isi soal terakhir ini adalah : Siapa nama depan wanita yang menjadi petugas pembersih sekolah ?
Saya yakin soal ini cuma “bercanda”. Saya sering melihat perempuan ini. Tinggi, berambut gelap dan berusia sekitar 50-an, tapi bagaimana saya tahu nama depannya…? Saya kumpulkan saja kertas ujian saya, tentu saja dengan jawaban soal terakhir kosong. Sebelum kelas usai, seorang rekan bertanya pada Profesor itu, mengenai soal terakhir akan “dihitung” atau tidak..
“Tentu Saja Dihitung !!” kata si Profesor. “Pada perjalanan karirmu, kamu akan ke temu banyak orang. Semuanya penting!. Semua harus kamu perhatikan dan pelihara, walaupun itu cuma dengan sepotong senyuman, atau sekilas “hallo”! Saya selalu ingat pelajaran itu. Saya kemudian tahu, bahwa nama depan ibu pembersih sekolah adalah “Dorothy”.
2. Menolong Tanpa PamrihMalam itu, pukul setengah dua belas malam. Seorang wanita negro rapi yang sudah berumur, sedang berdiri di tepi jalan tol Alabama. Ia nampak mencoba bertahan dalam hujan yang sangat deras, yang hampir seperti badai. Mobilnya kelihatannya lagi rusak, dan perempuan ini sangat ingin menumpang mobil.
Dalam keadaan basah kuyup, ia mencoba menghentikan setiap mobil yang lewat. Mobil berikutnya dikendarai oleh seorang pemuda bule, dia berhenti untuk menolong ibu ini. Kelihatannya si bule ini tidak paham akan konflik etnis tahun 1960-an, yaitu pada saat itu.
Pemuda ini akhirnya membawa si ibu negro selamat hingga suatu tempat, untuk mendapatkan pertolongan, lalu mencarikan si ibu ini taksi. Walaupun terlihat sangat tergesa-gesa, si ibu tadi bertanya tentang alamat si pemuda itu, menulisnya, lalu mengucapkan terima kasih pada si pemuda.
7 hari berlalu, dan tiba-tiba pintu rumah pemuda bule ini diketuk seseorang. Kejutan baginya, karena yang datang ternyata kiriman sebuah televisi set besar berwarna (1960-an!) khusus dikirim kerumahnya.Terselip surat kecil tertempel di televisi, yang isinya adalah :”Terima kasih nak, karena membantuku di jalan tol malam itu.
Hujan tidak hanya membasahi bajuku, tetapi juga jiwaku. Untung saja anda datang dan menolong saya. Karena pertolongan anda, saya masih sempat untuk hadir disisi suamiku yang sedang sekarat… hingga wafatnya”. Tuhan memberkati anda,karena membantu saya dan tidak mementingkan dirimu pada saat itu”
Tertanda Ny.Nat King Cole.
Catatan : Nat King Cole, adalah penyanyi negro tenar thn. 60-an di USA

3. Jangan Remehkan Orang LainDi zaman es krim khusus (ice cream sundae) masih murah, seorang anak laki-laki umur 10-an tahun masuk ke Coffee Shop Hotel, dan duduk di meja. Seorang pelayan wanita menghampiri, dan memberikan air putih dihadapannya. Anak ini kemudian bertanya “Berapa ya,… harga satu ice cream sundae?” katanya. “50 sen…” balas si pelayan.
Si anak kemudian mengeluarkan isi sakunya dan menghitung dan mempelajari koin-koin di kantongnya…. “Wah… Kalau ice cream yang biasa saja berapa?” katanya lagi. Tetapi kali ini orang-orang yang duduk di meja-meja lain sudah mulai banyak… dan pelayan ini mulai tidak sabar. “35 sen” kata si pelayan sambil uring-uringan. Anak ini mulai menghitungi dan mempelajari lagi koin-koin yang tadi dikantongnya.
“Bu… saya pesan yang ice cream biasa saja ya…” ujarnya. Sang pelayan kemudian membawa ice cream tersebut, meletakkan kertas kwitansi di atas meja dan terus melengos berjalan..
Si anak ini kemudian makan ice-cream, bayar di kasir, dan pergi. Ketika si pelayan wanita ini kembali untuk membersihkan meja si anak kecil tadi, dia mulai menangis terharu. Rapi tersusun disamping piring kecilnya yang kosong, ada 2 buah koin 10-sen dan 5 buah koin 1-sen.

Anda bisa lihat… anak kecil ini tidak bisa pesan Ice-cream Sundae, karena tidak memiliki cukup untuk memberi sang pelayan uang tip yang “layak” ……
4. Bertindak, Bukan Hanya Berbicara
Pada jaman dahulu kala, tersebutlah seorang Raja, yang menempatkan sebuah batu besar di tengah-tengah jalan. Raja tersebut kemudian bersembunyi, untuk melihat apakah ada yang mau menyingkirkan batu itu dari jalan. Beberapa pedagang terkaya yang menjadi rekanan raja tiba di tempat, untuk berjalan melingkari batu besar tersebut.
Banyak juga yang datang, kemudian memaki-maki sang Raja, karena tidak membersihkan jalan dari rintangan.Tetapi tidak ada satupun yang mau melancarkan jalan dengan menyingkirkan batu itu. Kemudian datanglah seorang petani, yang menggendong banyak sekali sayur mayur.
Ketika semakin dekat, petani ini kemudian meletakkan dahulu bebannya, dan mencoba memindahkan batu itu ke pinggir jalan. Setelah banyak mendorong dan mendorong, akhirnya ia berhasil menyingkirkan batu besar itu. Ketika si petani ingin mengangkat kembali sayurnya, ternyata di tempat batu tadi ada kantung yang berisi banyak uang emas dan surat Raja.
Surat yang mengatakan bahwa emas ini hanya untuk orang yang mau menyingkirkan batu tersebut dari jalan. Petani ini kemudian belajar, satu pelajaran yang kita tidak pernah bisa mengerti. Bahwa pada dalam setiap rintangan, tersembunyi kesempatan yang bisa dipakai untuk memperbaiki hidup kita.
5. Memberi, Ketika Dibutuhkan.Waktu itu, ketika saya masih seorang sukarelawan yang bekerja di sebuah rumah sakit, saya berkenalan dengan seorang gadis kecil yang bernama Liz, seorang penderita satu penyakit serius yang sangat jarang. Kesempatan sembuh, hanya ada pada adiknya, seorang pria kecil yang berumur 5 tahun, yang secara mujizat sembuh dari penyakit yang sama.
Anak ini memiliki antibodi yang diperlukan untuk melawan penyakit itu. Dokter kemudian mencoba menerangkan situasi lengkap medikal tersebut ke anak kecil ini, dan bertanya apakah ia siap memberikan darahnya kepada kakak perempuannya. Saya melihat si kecil itu ragu-ragu sebentar, sebelum mengambil nafas panjang dan berkata “Baiklah… Saya akan melakukan hal tersebut…. asalkan itu bisa menyelamatkan kakakku”.
Mengikuti proses tranfusi darah, si kecil ini berbaring di tempat tidur,di samping kakaknya. Wajah sang kakak mulai memerah, tetapi wajah si kecil mulai pucat dan senyumnya menghilang. Si kecil melihat ke dokter itu, dan bertanya dalam suara yang bergetar…katanya “Apakah saya akan langsung mati dokter… ?”
Rupanya si kecil sedikit salah pengertian. Ia merasa, bahwa ia harus menyerahkan semua darahnya untuk menyelamatkan jiwa kakaknya.
Lihatlah…bukankah pengertian dan sikap adalah segalanya….

Bagilah pengalaman anda yang dapat memberikan hal2 positif bagi siapa saja. Memberi lebih baik daripada menerima. Bekerjalah seolah anda tidak memerlukan uang, Mencintailah seolah anda tidak pernah dikecewakan, Menari dan menyanyilah seolah tidak ada yang menonton..


Dengan Jalan Kaki Jinakan 9 Jenis Penyakit !

STUDI dalam beberapa tahun terakhir semakin mengukuhkan bahwa berjalan tergopoh-gopoh dan bukan jalan santai memang memberi banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan kita. Inilah sembilan manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dari aktivitas jalan kaki

(1) Serangan Jantung. Pertama-tama tentu menekan risiko serangan jantung. Kita tahu otot jantung membutuhkan aliran darah lebih deras (dari pembuluh koroner yang memberinya makan) agar bugar dan berfungsi normal memompakan darah tanpa henti. Untuk itu, otot jantung membutuhkan aliran darah yang lebih deras dan lancar. Berjalan kaki tergopoh-gopoh memperderas aliran darah ke dalam koroner jantung. Dengan demikian kecukupan oksigen otot jantung terpenuhi dan otot jantung terjaga untuk bisa tetap cukup berdegup.

Bukan hanya itu. Kelenturan pembuluh darah arteri tubuh yang terlatih menguncup dan mengembang akan terbantu oleh mengejangnya otot-otot tubuh yang berada di sekitar dinding pembuluh darah sewaktu melakukan kegiatan berjalan kaki tergopoh-gopoh itu. Hasil akhirnya, tekanan darah cenderung menjadi lebih rendah, perlengketan antarsel darah yang bisa berakibat gumpalan bekuan darah penyumbat pembuluh juga akan berkurang.

Lebih dari itu, kolesterol baik (HDL) yang bekerja sebagai spons penyerap kolesterol jahat (LDL) akan meningkat dengan berjalan kaki tergopoh-gopoh. Tidak banyak cara di luar obat yang dapat meningkatkan kadar HDL selain dengan bergerak badan. Berjalan kaki tergopoh-gopoh tercatat mampu menurunkan risiko serangan jantung menjadi tinggal separuhnya.

(2). Stroke. Kendati manfaat berjalan kaki tergopoh-gopoh terhadap stroke pengaruhnya belum senyata terhadap serangan jantung koroner, beberapa studi menunjukkan hasil yang menggembirakan. Tengok saja bukti alami nenek-moyang kita yang lebih banyak melakukan kegiatan berjalan kaki setiap hari, kasus stroke zaman dulu tidak sebanyak sekarang. Salah satu studi terhadap 70 ribu perawat (Harvard School of Public Health) yang dalam bekerja tercatat melakukan kegiatan berjalan kaki sebanyak 20 jam dalam seminggu, risiko mereka terserang stroke menurun duapertiga.

(3). Berat badan stabil. Ternyata dengan membiasakan berjalan kaki rutin, laju metabolisme tubuh ditingkatkan. Selain sejumlah kalori terbuang oleh aktivitas berjalan kaki, kelebihan kalori yang mungkin ada akan terbakar oleh meningkatnya metabolisme tubuh, sehingga kenaikan berat badan tidak terjadi.

(4). Menurunkan berat badan. Ya, selain berat badan dipertahankan stabil, mereka yang mulai kelebihan berat badan, bisa diturunkan dengan melakukan kegiatan berjalan kaki tergopoh-gopoh itu secara rutin.
Kelebihan gajih di bawah kulit akan dibakar bila rajin melakukan kegiatan berjalan kaki cukup laju paling kurang satu jam.

(5). Mencegah kencing manis. Ya, dengan membiasakan berjalan kaki melaju sekitar 6 km per jam, waktu tempuh sekitar 50 menit, ternyata dapat menunda atau mencegah berkembangnya diabetes Tipe 2, khususnya pada mereka yang bertubuh gemuk (National Institute of Diabetes and Gigesive & Kidney Diseases).

Sebagaimana kita tahu bahwa kasus diabetes yang bisa diatasi tanpa perlu minum obat, bisa dilakukan dengan memilih gerak badan rutin berkala.
Selama gula darah bisa terkontrol hanya dengan cara bergerak badan (brisk walking), obat tidak diperlukan. Itu berarti bahwa berjalan kaki tergopoh-gopoh sama manfaatnya dengan obat antidiabetes.

(6). Mencegah osteoporosis. Betul. Dengan gerak badan dan berjalan kaki cepat, bukan saja otot-otot badan yang diperkokoh, melainkan tulang-belulang juga. Untuk metabolisme kalsium, bergerak badan diperlukan juga, selain butuh paparan cahaya matahari pagi. Tak cukup ekstra kalsium dan vitamin D saja untuk mencegah atau memperlambat proses osteoporosis. Tubuh juga membutuhkan gerak badan dan memerlukan waktu paling kurang 15 menit terpapar matahari pagi agar terbebas dari ancaman osteoporosis.

Mereka yang melakukan gerak badan sejak muda, dan cukup mengonsumsi kalsium, sampai usia 70 tahun diperkirakan masih bisa terbebas dari ancaman pengeroposan tulang.

(7). Meredakan encok lutut. Lebih sepertiga orang usia lanjut di Amerika mengalami encok lutut (osteoarthiris). Dengan membiasakan diri berjalan kaki cepat atau memilih berjalan di dalam kolam renang, keluhan nyeri encok lutut bisa mereda. Untuk mereka yang mengidap encok lutut, kegiatan berjalan kaki perlu dilakukan berselang-seling, tidak setiap hari. Tujuannya untuk memberi kesempatan kepada sendi untuk memulihkan diri.

Satu hal yang perlu diingat bagi pengidap encok tungkai atau kaki:
jangan keliru memilih sepatu olahraga. Kita tahu, dengan semakin bertambahnya usia, ruang sendi semakin sempit, lapisan rawan sendi kian menipis, dan cairan ruang sendi sudah susut. Kondisi sendi yang sudah seperti itu perlu dijaga dan dilindungi agar tidak mengalami goncangan yang berat oleh beban bobot tubuh, terlebih pada yang gemuk.

Bila bantalan (sol) sepatu olahraganya kurang empuk, sepatu gagal berperan sebagai peredam goncangan (shock absorber). Itu berarti sendi tetap mengalami beban goncangan berat selama berjalan, apalagi bila berlari atau melompat. Hal ini yang memperburuk kondisi sendi, lalu mencetuskan serangan nyeri sendi atau menimbulkan penyakit sendi pada mereka yang berisiko terkena gangguan sendi.

Munculnya nyeri sendi sehabis melakukan kegiatan berjalan kaki, bisa jadi lantaran keliru memilih jenis sepatu olahraga. Sepatu bermerek menentukan kualitas bantalannya, selain kesesuaian anatomi kaki.
Kebiasaan berjalan kaki tanpa alas kaki, bahkan di dalam rumah sekalipun, bisa memperburuk kondisi sendi-sendi tungkai dan kaki, akibat beban dan goncangan yang harus dipikul oleh sendi.

(8) Depresi. Ternyata bergerak badan dengan berjalan kaki cepat juga membantu pasien dengan status depresi. Berjalan kaki tergopoh-gopoh bisa menggantikan obat antidepresan yang harus diminum rutin. Studi ihwal terbebas dari depresi dengan berjalan kaki sudah dikerjakan lebih 10 tahun.

(9). Kanker juga dapat dibatalkan muncul bila kita rajin berjalan kaki, setidaknya jenis kanker usus besar (colorectal carcinoma). Kita tahu, bergerak badan ikut melancarkan peristaltik usus, sehingga buang air besar lebih tertib. Kanker usus dicetuskan pula oleh tertahannya tinja lebih lama di saluran pencernaan. Studi lain juga menyebutkan peran berjalan kaki terhadap kemungkinan penurunan risiko terkena kanker payudara. Source

Semoga bermanfaat !

Have a positive day!

Mohamad “Bear” Yunus
 “Body and Mind are ONE”

Apa Tujuan Anda Saat Bersedekah?

Hari Baru!
Segala sesuatu sangat ditentukan oleh niat, kita sudah mengetahui hal itu. Artinya, nilai dari suatu tindakan sangat bergantung kepada niat atau tujuan kita melakukan tindakan itu. Jika niat kita baik, maka nilai tindakan kita baik dan sebaliknya. Saya juga yakin Anda tidak asing lagi dengan kata sedekah. Bahkan boleh jadi Anda setiap hari bersedekah. Terlebih lagi karena akhir-akhir ini banyak ceramah, artikel, bahkan buku-buku yang membahas tentang sedekah. Pertanyaannya sekarang adalah; apa tujuan Anda saat bersedekah?
Pelajaran tentang sedekah yang disampaikan oleh para guru selalu dikaitkan dengan niatnya. Dulu sekali, ketika sedekah belum sepopuler sekarang; para guru kehidupan selalu mengingatkan agar ketika melakukan sedekah, kita mampu membebaskan diri dari sifat riya, atau ingin dipuji, atau sekedar mengharapkan ucapan terimakasih. Untuk membuat kami memahami apa itu arti riya, para guru mengumpamakannya seperti api yang melahap kayu bakar sampai ludes menjadi abu. Jika api memusnahkan kayu, maka sifat riya menghapuskan pahala atas setiap kebaikan yang kita lakukan.
Guru kehidupan saya juga menjelaskan bahwa setiap perbuatan baik akan dibalas sesuai dengan harapan yang menyertainya. Misalnya, jika kita melakukannya dengan harapan untuk mendapat pujian tadi, maka tentu kita akan mendapatkan pujian itu. Jika kita bersedekah dengan harapan seseorang akan semakin menghormati kita, maka tentu orang yang kita beri sedekah itu akan menghormati kita. Lantas bagaimana jika kita bersedekah dengan harapan supaya menjadi kaya atau lebih kaya lagi? Saya tidak akan memberikan jawabannya karena Anda bisa memperkirakannya. Namun jika Anda belum juga berhasil mendapatkan jawabannya, maka Anda bisa mencarinya didalam banyak artikel atau buku-buku yang dapat dengan mudah Anda peroleh. Saat ini riya sudah tidak lagi menjadi tema penting, karena system nilai kita sudah banyak sekali berubah.
Percayakah Anda kepada para guru zaman modern yang mengajarkan bahwa dengan bersedekah maka harta Anda akan semakin melimpah ruah? Jika bersedekah kemudian Anda mengharapkan untuk menjadi kaya; maka Anda akan kaya? Saya percaya. Mengapa? Karena seperti pesan dari guru kehidupan saya di zaman dahulu; “Temani setiap amal baikmu dengan tujuan dan harapan yang paling baik, karena harapan dan tujuan itu akan mendatangimu persis seperti yang kamu inginkan.” Jadi, saya percaya kepada kata-kata para guru zaman modern Anda; karena saya sangat mempercayai ajaran guru kehidupan zaman dahulu saya.
Memang guru kehidupan masa kecil saya tidak mengatakan bahwa dengan bersedekah maka kekayaanmu akan semakin bertambah. Namun, beliau menjelaskan bahwa; apapun yang kita harapkan saat melakukan kebajikan akan menjadi kenyataan. Bukankah terserah kita saja mau mengharapkan apa?
“Apa yang engkau harapkan saat engkau bersedekah anakku?” begitu guru kehidupan saya bertanya.
“Apa saja yang terbaik untuk saya, guru,” jawab saya sekenanya saja.
“Apakah yang terbaik untukmu menurut pendapatmu?” beliau meneruskan pertanyaannya.  “Saya belum tahu,” hanya itu yang bisa saya katakan.
“Tak seorang pun mengetahui apa sesungguhnya yang terbaik bagi dirinya sendiri, anakku.” Kata guru saya lagi. Menurut pendapat beliau; Tuhanlah yang benar-benar tahu apa yang terbaik bagi seseorang. Kita hanya mengira bahwa menjadi kaya atau bahkan lebih kaya merupakan hal terbaik, padahal belum tentu dimata Tuhan itulah yang terbaik. Sehingga ketika setelah bersedekah itu kita menjadi kaya atau lebih kaya lagi; kita mengira sudah mendapatkan imbalan yang terbaik. Apakah itu salah? Tidak. Sebab seperti yang dikatakan oleh guru kehidupan saya bahwa; setiap harapan yang menyertai amal baik kita, pastilah akan terkabulkan.
Tetapi, jika Tuhan adalah satu-satunya yang paling tahu tentang apa yang terbaik bagi kita, maka bukankah lebih baik untuk menyerahkan kepadaNya saja apapun balasan dari setiap kebajikan yang kita lakukan? Sungguh, Rasulullah telah mengajarkan bahwa Allah adalah pemberi balasan yang paling sempurna. Dan beliau mengingatkan kita akan firmanNya yang mengatakan bahwa; jika seseorang berharap balasan di dunia, maka Tuhan menjamin dia menerima balasan yang sempurna di dunia. Persis seperti yang diinginkannya. Tetapi, bagi siapa saja yang mengharapkan balasannya di akhirat, maka Tuhan menjamin bahwa untuk orang itu ada balasan yang pantas di dunia. Sedangkan diakhirat, dia akan memperoleh hadiah yang khusus disediakan Tuhan hanya untuk mereka yang hanya mengharapkan pahala dari sisiNya. Mengapa Tuhan memberi orang ini balasan di dunia dan sekaligus juga diakhirat? Karena orang ini telah meluruskan niat dan tujuannya dalam bersedekah semata-mata untuk mendapatkan kasih sayang tuhannya. Bukan untuk pujian. Bukan pula untuk sekedar harapan atas bertambah banyaknya harta yang dia punya.
Maka benarlah apa yang difirmankanNya bahwa Allah, Dialah sebaik-baiknya pemberi balasan. Sedangkan sebaik-baiknya amalan? Itu adalah setiap perbuatan baik yang dipersembahkan hanya kepada Tuhan. Sahabat, saudara, dan handaitaulanku; doakan diriku agar sanggup memperuntukkan setiap kebajikan yang mampu kulakukan hanya kepada Tuhan. Terlebih lagi, tolong doakan saya agar terbebas dari niat dan tujuan yang dangkal sehingga saya bisa menggantungkan harapan-harapan yang tinggi dari haribaan Tuhan. Tolong doakan saya.  Dan sebelum Anda berdoa untuk saya, ijinkan saya untuk terlebih dahulu mendoakan Anda semua agar menjadi para penggiat sedekah yang didasari oleh niat dan tujuan yang tulus untuk mendapatkan pahala akhirat. Sungguh, akhirat itu jauh lebih indah dari sekedar kehidupan dunia yang hanya sementara ini. Begitulah yang diajarkan oleh Sang Nabi suci. Selamat bersedekah. Dan selamat menabung pahala, untuk bekal kehidupan di akhirat kelak. Insya Allah.
Mari Berbagi Semangat!
Dadang Kadarusman
Buku ”Terbaru Saya” Insya Allah akan segera terbit.
Catatan Kaki:
Setiap perbuatan baik dengan niat baik pastilah akan berbuah baik. Namun akan lebih baik lagi jika kebaikan itu disandarkan kepada firman Tuhan tentang kehidupan dialam akhirat, bukan untuk sekedar memenuhi hasrat atas dunia yang tidak pernah ada habis-habisnya.
Follow DK on Twitter @dangkadarusman